Sunday, 31 August 2014

In fighting techniques

Here is the list of entry techniques, big thanks for Trist for putting the time in to put e-pen to e-paper

In Fight Techniques

1 a) Lap and punch, Lap and trap, punch
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, Lap and trap, punch

I seem to remember to really get a strong X trap the trick was to make the initial Lap before the trap down low to your partners hip and then the lap to trap up high almost trapping across their upper arm just below the shoulder.

2 a) Pak and punch, grab elbow with punch hand, hit to body, hit to face
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, grab elbow with punch hand, hit to body, hit to face

They key to getting a good position to take the elbow was allowing your initial punch to fold to Bong Sau (given that there is energy jamming your punch)

3 a) Pak and punch, Tan and punch, Tan hand grabs arm and traps, punch
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, Tan and punch, Tan hand grabs arm and traps, punch

The Tan is a straight Tan that invades the centre line (think early part of 1st form) it almost snakes to the outside of their defensive arm and then moves it as you dominate the centre.

4 a) Pak and punch, hit to body with Pak hand, Tan and punch, trap and punch
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, hit to body with Pak hand, Tan and punch, trap and punch

Similar straight Tan but from a different starting position as your throwing a body shot first, as the arms comes up to Tan it still comes outside and over their defensive arm (the one that blocked your preceding punch) forcing them to throw the other hand across to defend and allowing the trap.

5 a) Lap and punch, hammer fist to body
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, hammer fist to body

Tuck the arm that you Lap up to allow you to hammer fist to the solar plexus.

6 a) Inside gate Pak and chop, chop
b) Inside gate Pak and chop, Workman trap

Your initial chop is off your rear hand for both variations, Workman trap is established by throwing the arm you parked across the top of your other arm (the one that threw the chop).

7 a) Lap and punch, punch through centre
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, punch through centre

8 a) Lap and palm strike, push elbow and hit
b) Lap and chop, Lap and palm strike, push elbow and hit

Push the elbow across their body and hit over the top.

9 a) Pak and punch, Gwai Jarn
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, Gwai Jarn

Gwai Jarn - turn the wrist that you Pak over (wrist side up) and rotate your other elbow into the centre, switch the hand that's grabbing the wrist and sink your weight down onto their arms as you establish the position, hit with your free hand.

10 a) Pak and punch, inside gate Pak and chop
b) Lap and punch, Pak and chop

11 a) Pak and punch, punch
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, punch

The last punch relies on your partner not giving you proper resistance/energy on the arm you Pak.

12 a) Pak and punch, Inside gate Tan and punch, inside gate Pak and punch
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, Inside gate Tan and punch, inside gate Pak and punch

13 a) Lap and punch, hammer fist between arms
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, hammer fist between arms

We experimented with the hammer fist hitting both solar plexus and also groin, allowing for a follow up rising elbow

14 a) Immovable elbow, Garn and punch, cover and back fist
b) Immovable elbow, switch arms, Garn and punch, cover and back fist

From contact on the initial immovable elbow your rear hand covers their guard hand (think of sliding between the two hands that are guard to guard) and you can then throw your other hand around as an immovable elbow.

15 a) Lap and punch, Tok Sau and punch
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, Tok Sau and punch

Tok Sau - catching their arm just above the elbow with your thumb underneath and pushing the arm across their body.

16 a) Inside gate Pak, chop forward, Lap and backfist, Lap and palm strike
b) Inside gate Pak, chop forward, roll over backfist, wait and trap, punch

The chop is thrown with the same arm you inside gate Pak with, 16a is the three attacks from the three drill gaining entry with an inside gate.

17 a) Lap and punch, piston punch
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, piston punch

18 a) Pak and head grab, strong lat pull and punch
b) Lap and punch, Pak and head grab, strong lat pull and punch

19 a) Pak and punch, roll over backfist, push head away, sweep and punch
b) Lap and punch, Pak and punch, roll over backfist, push head away then release and elbow

20 a) Lap and punch, second Lap resisted, fold to elbow
b) Lap and punch, Lap and punch, third Lap resisted, fold to elbow

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