Saturday, 23 April 2011

Week 48

In the car park:

There were no keys so we went all Ray Mears and trained outside.

The topics covered were punching, footwork and punching, lat sau, grip breaks – low, high and double, first and second form. But interestingly was the terrain and how it made me look at the floor quite a lot as it was not a clean and smooth surface. For me I need to practise punching with footwork on a variety of surfaces. It taught me that I need to develop how I move myself more effectively. I guess I have been cheating in the hall or is it that the hall has been cheating us?

I know think we should train on a variety of floors more often than not. I guess this will be a pain in the sphincter organisationally so might have to explore this on my own.

Week 47

Tristan’s class.

Attacks with pak sau.

Need some serious meditation to search within myself as it was almost 2 weeks ago and much offal has passed through my brain since then. Lesson learned is to write blog posts within 48 hours of the class.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Week 46

Pad training:

Focussing only on the numbers 1-2-3-4 and any combo of each. In addition the feeder was crashing the range meaning this also became great off-lining footwork development. The feeder was also stepping back for number 1 and 2 so you have to have strong and explosive forward footwork to close the distance, in balance with power.

The training then evolved into the corkscrew body mechanics when employing the hook attacks. When seen in its entirety the whole body is moving. The descending corkscrew is amassing the energy and momentum for the attack. We worked these of the 1-2, the feeder then simulates the punch attack, you corkscrew and attack with a 3-2. The other technique started with 1-2-1, then corkscrew finishing with 3-2-3.

Eye gouge against double under hooks:

You have seized the gold medal pre-suplex position of double underhooks, as he goes to gouge the eye ball, shrug off and forward and attack with a 2-3-2.
This training and use of body mechanics is very modern and un-wing chun in that it looks more like Western Boxing. But in terms of concepts, the body mechanics are very compact and efficient and for me these are always at the forefront of my own martial development.

Standing grappling:

The gis were donned to enable is to work against 3 primary standing grappling attacks; the pull forward, pull to the side and push back whilst being grabbed at the shoulder. The problem this presents for us as Wing Chunners is we are relying on control and the range (of our punches). When being violently ragged around these internal safety nets disappear. So we must modify and adapt rather than being too small minded to think pure Wing Chun solves all problems. Only those who have never tested their concepts and techniques will say this. We know we need to adapt because being KO’d is what will happen and we need to go to work tomorrow looking handsome and respectful. Firstly, we need to be sensitive to the energy being given to us. Go with the pushes and pulls. Do this by moving the feet. Avoid moving the body then the feet as this will rapidly result in you swaying like a palm tree in a hurricane. Good positive posture and structure and if the range is too far for us, throw a long cross punch. This will close the distance and give him something else to think about.

Instead of being mucked up by this chaos, let it happen, when based, throw the punches. For the hard push away, you need to shrug under the grab to give you decent range. A final point worth noting is that through experience (Martin’s), if you are being held very tight, it is likely that his punches will not have the same energy and power as the grab. There must be some trade off for it to work for him. Doing both should not happen.

3 drill:

Lap, lap and practise the lap. Getting straighter, getting tighter but increasing in tension. Must find a happy medium of speed, technique and relaxation. Perhaps in 15 years. The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step a wise man from ancient China once said. Well for me, a few steps have been taken and glancing over my shoulder I can see where I started. Long, long way to go but the path is hard, challenging but always learning and getting better.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Week 45

Brief but most beneficial.

Popped to training for 45 minutes. The focus of the lesson was on the use on inside gate pak sau to their lead hand. Many of the techniques also included use of lap and punch which was most invaluable practise for me. Whilst full confidence is not restored, it has grown from the depressive lows of last week. This concept of probing their lead hand has also given me some ideas to tag onto my mindset for sparring.

I also learned and understood the differences between pak sau and lap sau...It is to do with where your motion is in reference to yourself. Usually pak goes along or across your center whereas lap are on the outside gate of your own centre. Confused?

Technique sequences included:
1: Inisde gate pak sau, chop forward off the same arm, lap and back fist, repeaters.
2: IGPS - hint at controlling their rear hand and throw the big H-bomb.
3: As number 1, if block, high lap, snake other hand through to back to neck for head control, as they bend over for you, knee to the chops.

Recently I watching an Eddie Bravo video where in competition he consciously worked to pull off and perfect a specific technique. For him it was the Twister. For me is it going to continue to be:
1: Hybrid stance, tight, compact and light.
2: Attack at end of the attack.
3: Off lining footwork.
4: Close the gap when in contact range.
5: Control and no control. I think this is do the opposite of what they want to do.

Week 44

Began with lots of 3 drill, changing partners lots. It is always fun working with a wide range of energies and levels of relaxation and tension. I have found that when I perceive tension I seem to make such more effort and tired much quicker. I found out tonight that I have slim to no confidence in my lap sau with the left hand. Still pulling towards my hip and not pinning towards theirs, or across their centre as I should be. Time for more visualisation practise.

I did feel like I have taken a big backwards step with 3 drill and am very concerned that this is what let me down in the level 2 grading and little progress has been made.

Lat sau felt a lot better in terms of confidence. I cant emphasise enough that for me I need to be totally focussed on every single punch. As soon as talking with my partner starts, the quality nose dives faster than a falcon on its prey.

Well I have not done this since before the grading, about 8 weeks ago now. We only had about a minute with each partner so I felt unsettled in the quick changes. Of course in reality I should be ready to go and have my own internal rhythm set with every new partner. Really enjoyed it though.